Good branding is more than the visual identity. It is the real story of your mission and it aligns all the facets of your organization. This article shares the top five reasons that having a good brand is beneficial.
Tells Your Story
Great branding tells your story in an instant. What is your non-profit doing to make a difference? How is your organization carrying out its mission? A good brand answers these questions through compelling visuals and storytelling.
Creates Trust
Putting your brand into action demonstrating your mission connects you to like-minded volunteers and donors. Show your stuff and share your story with confidence. You are good at what you do and branding your organization will model that.
Gets You Recognized
Branding your organization creates an emotional connection between your donors, volunteers and those you serve to your mission. A strong brand look, feel and story separates you from the pack.
Keeps You Honest
Your brand keeps you authentic. Everything your non-profit organization says and does reflects your brand story. Having a solid brand keeps your organization grounded and ensures you’re answering “yes” to the question, does this fall in-line with our mission and brand story?
Generates Growth
A solid brand paves the road for growth. Increasing your number of donors and volunteers leads to new connections and can bring collaboration with other non-profits that share in your mission.
Filament Protip
All of our service area leaders has dozens of years of experience. These are protips they’ve picked up along the way that you can use right now to solve common issues.