Learn about free solutions for your projects, marketing tool options and metrics to help drive growth and extend your impact with these resourceful Communication articles found around the web.
Digital Marketing Trends For 2020 For Nonprofits
Digital marketing done well can engage the public and bring in more donors. But, to do good digital marketing, you have to understand what’s happening as well as the digital trends. That’s even more true at a time where technology changes greatly from year to year.
18 Free Marketing Tools for Nonprofits
Is a restricted marketing budget throwing up roadblocks, creating barriers or even holding you back? If so, check out this article that includes 18 free tools for your nonprofit marketing aspirations. Find out what marketing tools you need and search by project type. Each category identifies a problem scenario and provides free solutions. For example, let’s say your organization wants to establish an online presence but doesn’t have the funds for digital ads or search engine optimization. Meet Google Ad Grants, an online advertising solution for eligible nonprofits. A Google Ads account provides $10,000 in online advertising every month, at no cost to you. Make sure to explore all the free resources available from Collaboration to Website Analytics and recommendations for discounts on other technology products through TechSoup.
5 More-Important-Than-Ever Digital Marketing Metrics for Nonprofits
Nonprofits have goals of making an impact, giving back to the community and advocating for important social causes – all wonderful ways to make a difference while fulfilling their mission. The article looks at the additional responsibility that nonprofits face, one that might take a back seat but that could have the biggest impact yet. Five key metrics worth examining include average donation value, conversion rates, engagement, retention and traffic. Get ready to dive into the details and learn how these metrics provide value and work side-by-side with your digital marketing strategy. Not only will they help you maximize your budget but they will also drive sustainable growth.
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