Image of female with phone viewing a tiktok video of herself

Imagine if all of us hyper-focused on one simple, yet profound truth: at our core, we’re not just in the charity, education, or [insert your mission here] business. We’re in the relationship-building business. Our success, our impact, and our ability to thrive are all intricately tied to how well we build and nurture relationships.

So, how would this focus reshape our strategies, from marketing and outreach to managing staff and serving our communities?

Marketing & Outreach: It’s Personal

Adopting a relationship-first approach means we’d shift from broad, impersonal messaging to creating genuine connections. Imagine tailoring communications to tell stories that resonate on a personal level, making every newsletter, social media post, and event invitation feel like a warm, personal conversation. It’s about making each person feel seen, heard, and valued, not just as donors or numbers, but as integral parts of your mission.

Appealing to Donors & Volunteers: Beyond Transactions

When we view our work through the lens of relationship-building, every interaction with donors and volunteers becomes more than just a transaction. It’s an opportunity to engage in a meaningful exchange to understand their passions. This means hosting more intimate gatherings instead of giant galas. It’s about facilitating roundtable discussions and feedback sessions that make them feel actively involved in shaping the direction and impact of our work.

Managing Staff & The Board: Cultivating a Culture of Connection

Turning inward, how we manage our staff and board would undergo a transformation as well. This approach champions open, honest communication, and mutual respect. It fosters a culture where everyone feels they can contribute their ideas and talents fully. Regular check-ins, team-building activities, and personal development opportunities would not be extras, but essentials. Remember, our teams are not just functional, but deeply connected and engaged with our mission and with each other.

Serving Our Beneficiaries: Partners in Progress

Finally, and most importantly, our relationship with our beneficiaries would become even more collaborative. Viewing those we serve not as passive recipients, but as partners in progress invites a more inclusive approach to problem-solving. By involving them in decision-making processes, understanding their needs and aspirations at a deeper level, and co-creating solutions, we build trust and efficacy. And that leads to more sustainable, impactful outcomes.

A Call to Relationship-Building

Let’s start today. Let’s look at every aspect of our work and ask, “How can I build a better relationship here?” Because, at the end of the day, it’s the strength of these relationships that will propel us forward.

Mission Forward

Mission Forward is a weekly LinkedIn Newsletter written by Paul Durban with tools, tips and tricks to help nonprofits reach their goals. Subscribe to the newsletter on LinkedIn.