Why Video is Essential to Nonprofit Marketing & Fundraising

Why Video is Essential to Nonprofit Marketing & Fundraising

People support nonprofits (through donations and volunteerism) because they have an emotional connection to the cause or organization. As you market your organization (I know, “yuck.” But it’s a necessary evil.), you’ll get better results by leaning into the emotional...
Simple Changes and Checks: Protecting Your Data Workshop

Simple Changes and Checks: Protecting Your Data Workshop

This is a hands-on workshop specifically for nonprofits that will help you understand the importance of data security and how to implement simple, yet effective measures to secure your people and your data. Even nonprofits need to worry about data security. It is your...

New Partnership with the Arizona Automobile Dealers Assoc

Filament Essential Services, a leading provider of cybersecurity and compliance solutions, has announced a new partnership with the Arizona Automobile Dealers Association (AADA). Under the partnership, Filament Essential Services will complete a gap assessment,...
High-Stakes Audit Webinar

High-Stakes Audit Webinar

Audit. It’s a word that can strike fear in the hearts of IT management, security, and executives. Just the thought alone is a productivity killer. When it feels like your business has to fire on all cylinders just to get by, the last thing you want to hear is that...