Be seen. Be heard. Be impactful!

Your brand identity serves as the foundation for everything you do. It not only engages your donors, volunteers and those you serve—but also provides a sense of purpose and direction to the stakeholders in your organization. We’ll get to know you, the passion you bring to your work and the people you serve to make your brand uniquely you.

Brand Identity
Unique Story
Sensible Price

Benefits of Having Strong Brand Identity

• Increase Fundraising
• Improve Volunteerism
• Energize Event Promotion
• Attract Corporate Sponsors

• Refocus Mission Directives
• Engage Wider Audience
• Enhance Donor Loyalty
• Drive Consistent Messaging

• Establish Emotional Connections
• Foster Unity Among Supporters
• Bolster Reputation and Credibility

Nonprofit to Nonprofit Pledge

Branding your organization sounds expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. Whatever the case, we can work with practically any budget to get your desired results.

Logo or Brand Refresh

If you have a strong existing brand, you may just need to update it. This is a much simpler process that will still make a big difference.

Branding Statistics

our branding process

Through our proven research and strategy process, we’ll help your organization create a captivating brand. Whether you need a logo refresh or a full organization rebrand, we want to help you stand out, build trust and enhance your credibility.

Together, we’ll create a look that captures the attention of target audiences, and beyond. 

The Filament Branding Process
The Filament Branding Process

I was excited about putting a different face on Crete and what that might mean for us. I had no idea how good everything would turn out and how much it changed Crete.

It would have been a tragedy for us not to do this and to not engage Filament. It has changed the way we approach the world. Literally.

Tom Ourada

City Administrator, The City of Crete, NE

Download Our Free Brand Story Worksheet

Your brand is not just your logo.
To get a sense of the bigger picture of branding and how it can help you, try out this free worksheet to help you write a brand story. Then use your brand story to guide your outreach. You will be much more likely to strike a chord with potential donors, volunteers and those you serve.

Free Brand Story Worksheet


We’ve created brands for all kinds of organizations. We’d love to talk about a refresh for yours!

Nebraska Zen Center
Tuition Exchange
Putnam County Public Schools
Hulbert Public Schools
City of Crete Logo
City of Lake Quivira, Kansas
City of Wahoo, Nebraska
City of Valley, Nebraska
Beatrice, Nebraska logo
Beatrice Public Schools logo
Beatrice Commerce logo
Free Beatrice Community Case Study

Sign up for a free evaluation and strategy session!

Matthew LandisI love helping nonprofits discover how their mission, culture, and “why” can translate into a brand that makes them stand out. Contact me now to schedule a free, no-obligation brand evaluation and strategy session.

Matthew Landis
Director, Branding+Video

Let’s get this ball rolling...