The entire family of FES organizations (Filament Essential Services, NSLP/Inceptia and EducationQuest Foundation) is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment for our employees and our community. We have implemented multiple safety measures and policies to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 to protect the health of our employees.
As the pandemic has evolved, we have adapted our work environment to accommodate multiple ways of working. Starting in 2021, most of our employees began working from home to help prevent transmission of the virus. On January 4, 2022 the Lincoln/Lancaster COVID-19 Risk Dial elevated to the “Red Severe Risk” category — which triggered our policy to close the building and have all employees, who are able, transition to working from home full-time. Once the Risk Dial trends downward to the “Mid-Orange High Risk” category, we will begin to reopen the building.
We are constantly updating our workforce procedures and refuse to allow these changes to affect our commitment to providing excellent service to our clients and customers. While our building remains closed to the public, there will be no disruption to our service. We are still available by phone, virtual meetings and email to ensure all business continues smoothly.
We will continue to monitor and adjust protocols as needed based on local mandates and CDC guidelines. We ask for your patience, support and understanding during this ever changing time.