We generally think of cyber attacks happening to financial institutions or government entities. But there is an increasing risk to any organization with a database that contains personal contact information. Cyber insurance can help your organization recover after a data breach by helping you recoup costs incurred from business disruptions, revenue loss, equipment damages, legal fees, public relations expenses, forensic analysis and costs associated with legally mandated notifications. Depending on the carrier, they may even help protect your organization before a breach occurs.
Find out more about cyber insurance and why you need it during a Hubinar sponsored by Filament Essential Services for Nonprofit Hub. This online webinar will share the benefits of having a cyber-insurance policy in place and what this can do for your organization in the event of a ransomware attack. The presenters include Nathan Waddell of Lockton Kansas City’s Cyber Technology Practice and Dan Delzell, CIO, and Art Provost, Assistant Vice President Security Services, at Filament Essential Services.
At the very heart of Filament’s mission is serving those who serve others. Working together with the Nonprofit Hub provides a fantastic opportunity to be more powerful and more impactful in building a stronger nonprofit community. The Nonprofit Hub, an online educational community, has been helping to give nonprofits all the resources and tools they need to better their organizations and the communities they serve. Their nonprofit webinars are free, include incredible content, powerful advice and are full of top notch industry speakers.
Cyber Insurance, Where Do I Start?
Online Webinar
September 22, 2021 at 10:00 AM CT