Earlier this year, Filament Essential Services recognized the work of Educational Service Unit 2 in Fremont, NE to address student homelessness in its school districts. As Filament itself regularly participates in community events and charitable activities, it gathered a donation to contribute to ESU 2’s efforts.
ESU 2 sought to provide relief to students experiencing homelessness by filling packs with a variety of essential items, such as toiletries and other personal hygiene objects. Using funds from the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief as approved by the Nebraska Department of Education, ESU 2 created care packages for school districts to distribute.

ESU2 Homeless Kits
To complete the care packages, ESU 2 contacted Filament for pairs of the organization’s SOCS platform branded socks. Dan Kunzman, recently retired Senior Vice President of Nonprofit Services, said that Filament provided 50 pairs of socks for the kits.
“If you went and talked to people who work with unhoused individuals, socks are one of the hot commodities,” Kunzman said.
ESU 2 Lead Community Resource Navigator Megan Reese said that Filament’s donation made a noticeable difference. “Having a pair of clean socks may seem simple but is an amazing feeling when you don’t have access to it.”