The Benefits of Humor and Play in Nonprofit Work

When you think of nonprofit networking, what comes to mind? Maybe it’s fundraising events, community partnerships, or even collaborations with other organizations. Networking often feels like a necessary task to achieve a specific goal—whether that’s securing donations, recruiting volunteers, or raising awareness.

But what if nonprofit networking wasn’t just about getting what your organization needs? What if it was about giving—giving your time, expertise, resources, and support to others? Shifting your focus in this way can transform your networking efforts and create stronger, more meaningful connections.

Giving Your Time and Attention

One of the most valuable gifts your nonprofit can offer is time and attention. In the nonprofit world, where everyone is juggling numerous responsibilities, taking the time to truly listen can set your organization apart.

Imagine you’re meeting a potential donor or partner. Instead of diving into a pitch about your organization’s needs, start by asking them about their interests, concerns, and what motivates their support for causes like yours. By showing genuine interest in their story, you not only build rapport but also gain insights into how your organization can best serve them.

This approach also applies when networking with other nonprofits or community leaders. Listening to their challenges and successes can lead to opportunities for collaboration and shared solutions. The simple act of being present and engaged can be a powerful tool for building long-lasting relationships.

Sharing Knowledge and Resources

Think about a time when another organization shared a valuable resource or piece of advice with you. Maybe it was a grant opportunity, a volunteer management tip, or a contact that led to a fruitful partnership. These moments of generosity are what make the nonprofit community so special.

Your organization has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. Whether it’s offering insights from a successful campaign, providing training to smaller nonprofits, or simply sharing a useful resource, these acts of giving can have a significant impact.

By sharing what you know, you position your nonprofit as a valuable partner in the community. This kind of generosity builds trust and opens doors for future collaboration. It’s about creating a network where everyone is working together toward common goals, rather than competing for the same limited resources.

Opening Doors for Others

One of the most powerful ways to give in the nonprofit sector is by making introductions. If you know of a volunteer who would be perfect for another organization’s project or a donor whose interests align with a different cause, don’t hesitate to connect them.

This might seem counterintuitive—after all, shouldn’t you be focused on keeping those resources within your own organization? But think about it this way: When you help others, you build a reputation as an organization that’s truly committed to the greater good.

For example, introducing a small nonprofit to a potential funder who isn’t the right fit for your own organization can create goodwill that benefits everyone involved. The more you give in this way, the more likely others are to think of you when opportunities arise that might be a perfect fit for your needs.

The Ripple Effect of Generosity

When your nonprofit embraces a giving approach to networking, it creates a ripple effect in the community. Acts of generosity inspire others to give back, leading to a culture of collaboration and support.

Think of this like planting seeds across the nonprofit landscape. Each time you offer your time, resources, or connections, you’re helping something grow. Some seeds will bear fruit quickly, while others might take time, but the impact will be felt far beyond the initial act of giving.

This ripple effect is particularly important in the nonprofit world, where the challenges are great, and the resources are often limited. By fostering a network rooted in generosity, your organization contributes to a stronger, more resilient community that can better address the issues you all care about.

Reframing Success in Nonprofit Networking

Success in nonprofit networking isn’t just about how many new donors you connect with or how many partnerships you form. It’s about the value your organization brings to others.

Consider the relationships your nonprofit has built over the years. The most impactful ones likely aren’t those based on a single transaction, but rather on a foundation of mutual support and shared goals. By focusing on what you can give, rather than what you can get, your nonprofit can build relationships that are not only effective but also deeply meaningful.

A Mindset Shift for Your Nonprofit

Shifting your nonprofit’s approach from “What can we get?” to “What can we give?” may take some time and effort. It requires a mindset shift and a commitment to thinking beyond immediate needs.

Start with small steps. Encourage your team to focus on how they can be of service during their next networking opportunity—whether it’s at a community event, a meeting with a potential partner, or even an online interaction. Listen more, share freely, and offer connections without expecting anything in return. The goal is to build a network that thrives on collaboration and generosity, rather than competition and scarcity.

Mission Forward

Mission Forward is a weekly LinkedIn Newsletter written by Paul Durban with tools, tips and tricks to help nonprofits reach their goals. Subscribe to the newsletter on LinkedIn.